So nice to meet you! My name is Annmarie Watts I am a woman who wears many hats! As a grandmom (of 3 so far) who also has young kids still at home, older kids who have gone off on their own (I call this "secretarial mothering" someone always needs something) 7 kids total, a content creator, a business owner, a care-giver to an elderly mom who lives with me, a home maker etc etc. Add this list to a "human" who is trying to stay fit and up on her beauty routine, who also bakes, is a home owner, not to mention a friend to many and an active parishoner ... it's almost over whelming just typing it out! I think who is this masked woman I want to meet her! Then I realize the drain that comes with this list...most of the demands, agendas and expectations are self-induced and I am fully to blame. So HOW do we walk through this life in all these roles... Come with me as we seek out a better way...a better self...and the best multi-hat wearer we can be without losing ourselves (or our sanity). I have many suggestions, but we are always better together. I look forward to hearing your heart as we do this thing called LIFE.